Library Policies
Circulation Policy
Circulation Policy![]()
Circulation Policy
The Aptos Junior High library has a wide variety of items available to students and their families for check out. These include: books, recorded books, DVDs, & magazines.
Using a valid student ID*, students may check out up to four items. There is a three week circulation period.
To ensure no loss of library priviledges students are encouraged to turn in their items on time and in good condition. Overdues are processed weekly. Students and their families are financially responsible for all items checked out in their name.
*A valid student ID will be issued free to each student. A fine of $5.00 is assessed to students who lose their ID Cards, and library priviledges are revoked. Upon payment, the student's name will be added to a list and the student shall have all library rights and priviliges restored until the ID is made. ID cards are made once a week.
U. S. copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproducitons of copyrighted materials. Unauthorized reproductions beyond the scope of fair use and other copyright exemptions may be a violation of the law.
Overdue Policy
Overdue Policy![]()
Overdue Policy
Over due notices will be processed on Friday afternoon to be distributed to students on Monday during their Language Arts (Core) class.
Students are allowed to check out up to four items. The maximum circulation period is three weeks. All library books have the due date stamped on the inside cover. If the item is not returned or is damaged, the following notification policy will be followed.
Week one: 1st over due notice/bill sent to student
Week two: 2nd over due notice/bill sent to student.
Week three: Student will be given a written warning regarding detention for overdues.
Week four: Detention will be issued to the student. Student has now had the book for seven weeks.
Week five +: Detentions will continue to be issued until the problem is cleared.
Students with longstanding over dues will lose library privileges.
19911. Any person who willfully detains any book, newspaper,
magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, or other property belonging to any
public or incorporated library, reading room, museum, or other
educational institution, for 30 days after notice in writing to
return the article or property, given after the expiration of the
time for which by the rules of the institution the article or
property may be kept, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
The parent or guardian of a minor who willfully and maliciously
commits any act within the scope of this section shall be liable for
all damages so caused by the minor.
magazine, pamphlet, manuscript, or other property belonging to any
public or incorporated library, reading room, museum, or other
educational institution, for 30 days after notice in writing to
return the article or property, given after the expiration of the
time for which by the rules of the institution the article or
property may be kept, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
The parent or guardian of a minor who willfully and maliciously
commits any act within the scope of this section shall be liable for
all damages so caused by the minor.
Aptos Junior High Textbook Policy
- Students will be issued textbooks with a value of over $300.00. It is the student's responsibility to care for the books in a mature manner. Students and their parents are liable for any loss or damage to school materials or equipment up to $10,000.00. (CA Education Code 48904).
- Textbooks are the property of Aptos Junior High and the Pajaro Valley Unified S. D.
- Each student shall be issued one copy of all pertinent textbooks.
- Students shall not loan their textbooks to any other student. FYI: As a courtesy some teachers allow students to store texts in their classroom. The financial responsibility for such materials remains with the student.
- Students will not be charged for pre-existing damages, but they must turn in a textbook damage report within one week (5 days) of issuance.
- All textbooks shall be kept covered using non-adhesive paper or cloth book covers. It is recommended that during the rainy season backpacks be lined with plastic bags to reduce the chance of water damage.
- All textbooks issued to students shall be returned to the Aptos Junior High Library prior to ending their attendance at AJHS or at the end of the school year.
- Parents may purchase extra copies of textbooks from the vendor. Use an approved text book vendor such as Follett
- Cost of lost or damaged textbooks are as follows:
Minor damage (pencil work, undelining, minor water damage) $5.00
Major Damage (mildew, profanity, gang tagging, excessive wear and tear) Replacement Cost.
Replacement costs:
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes/Bronze Copyright 2002 ISBN 0130548030 $73.00
Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, TimelessThemes/Silver Copyright 2002 ISBN 0130548049 $73.00
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar: Communication in Action/Bronze Copyright 2003 ISBN 0130373113 $61.00
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar: Communication in Action/Silver Copyright 2003 ISBN 0130373435 $61.00
Key Curriculum Press: Discovering Geometry an Investigative Approach/ Copyright 2008 ISBN 9781559538824 $76.00
Holt Physical Science/ Copyright 2007 ISBN 0030426596 $77.00
Holt Life Science / Copyright 2007 ISBN 003042657X $77.00
McDougal Littell World History: Medieval and Early Modern Times/ Copyright 2006 ISBN 0618277471 $75.00
McDougal Littell Creating America: Beginnings through World War I/ Copyright 2006 ISBN 0618689834 $75.00
Big Ideas Math: Course 2 Copyright 2015 ISBN 978-1-60840-670-8 $89.00
Big Ideas Math Course 2 Accelerated Copyright 2015 ISBN 978-1-60840-671-5 $89.00
Big Ideas Math Course 3 Copyright 2015 ISBN 978-1-60840-672-2 $89.00
CPM Core Connections Copyright 2014 ISBN 978-1-60328-323-6 $77.00
Aptos Junior High cautions that there is a strong black market of stolen textbooks being sold on the internet. Please buy replacement or second sets of books from reputable textbook vendors only.