Attendance Information

Really does matter! Dont just take our word for it.
If your student is absent from school, please call the Attendance Office at 728-7834, or contact Mr. Arce to excuse the absence. Students absent longer than 3 days may require a doctor’s note to excuse absences. If the school is not notified of the absence, it will remain unexcused. Students with excessive absences (more than 10% of school year) will receive written notification from Students Services at the District Office and will be monitored. All students must be signed in at the Attendance Office when arriving late. The state of California recognizes some but not all reasons for tardiness.
Examples of EXCUSED absences are:
- Illness, up to 2 days, 3 or more days requires doctor’s note
- Medical, dental, or optical appointments, please bring note
- Funeral service for immediate family: 1 day if held in California, 3 days if held out of state
- Quarantine
- Other justifiable personal reasons (see Annual Parent Booklet)
Examples of UNEXCUSED absences are:
- Shopping
- Minor illness
- Visiting relatives
- Vacation
- Student's birthday
- No uniform
- Child care
- Oversleeping
- Car trouble/traffic
Picking Up Students During The School Day
Aptos Junior High School is a closed campus. Once a student has entered the campus, they may not leave without a parent/guardian signing them out through the attendance office. This includes leaving campus to go to local businesses before the school begins. Please remember that ID is required in order to sign a student out. The person signing the student out must be on the student’s emergency card in order to sign out a student from school.