Academic Information
What is a grade point average (gpa), you ask? Well the GPA is the total amount of grade points you earn divided by the number of classes you take.
The scale is as such: A= 4 points, B= 3 points, C= 2 points, D= 1 point and an F = 0 points. If you receive 6 C's then you have earned 12 points. Divide that by 6 (the number of classes you have taken) and you come up with a 2.0 GPA. (there is no difference for pluses or minuses, with the exception of a special formula used to award the top academic student at the end of the year)
There are two types of GPA's at AJHS-
- Quarterly- This is the GPA each quarter, it is computed using only the quarter grades and resets each quarter when new grades come out
- Cumulative- This is the GPA for the students entire career at AJHS. It is computed by adding up EVERY class grade and then dividing by EVERY class taken. This is used for Graduation and end of the year awards
GPA's are used for a number of different things at Aptos Junior. Here is a short list.
- Extra Curricular Activity Eligibility (sports, field trips, etc): Students must have a quarterly 2.0 GPA to participate. This resets every quarter
- Honor Roll: Students must have a 3.5 GPA or higher each quarter to qualify for the honor roll
- Promotion: Students must have a cumulative 1.5 GPA to be a graduate and participate in graduation and end of the year activities
- End of the year awards: We use both the quarterly and cumulative GPA's to help determine a number of different end of the year awards
Aptos Junior prides itself on offering positive awards for students at our school. Here is a listing of a number of the awards and recognitions that we offer to students.
- Honor Roll: Students must have a 3.5 quarterly GPA to qualify for Honor Roll. Additionally if students have a cumulative 3.5 or higher GPA at the end of each year they qualify for the end of the year Honor Roll Award.
- Outstanding Achievement: this award is given out by each teacher for the top student in their class at the end of each year. Each teacher gets one choice for each class they teach. Awards are based on academics, work effort, participation and behavior. Choices are made by individual teachers.
- CJSF awards: Students can earn this award by being a member of CJSF for either 3 quarters (7th) or 6 quarters (8th). At least 3 quarters must be in the 8th grade
- Scholar Athletes: an 8th grade boy and girl are chosen based upon their athletic and academic achievements.
- Million Word Readers: Students are honored for reading one million words over the school year
- 25 book club: Students are honored for reading 25 books over the school year
- Perfect attendance awards: Students are honored for perfect attendance for either one or two years.
- Most Improved student: 7th grade and 8th grade boy and girl chosen for their improvement both academically and/or behaviorally. Students must have a minimum of a 2.0 Cumulative GPA to qualify for this award. This award is chosen by the faculty.
- Seadragon Citizenship award: 7th grade and 8th grade boy and girl chosen for their positive contributions to the school, class and other areas. This award is decided upon by the faculty. Students must have a minimum of a 2.0 gpa to qualify.
- Presidential Physical Fitness awards: Students must meet the federal physical fitness standards to earn this award. More info is given in the PE classes.
Students at AJHS must have a 1.5 GPA, cumulative, in order to graduate and participate in graduation activities. The cumulative GPA is the average of all your classes taken at AJHS.
If you feel that your child is in danger of not graduating please contact the counselor or assistant principal.
Aptos Junior High Academic Integrity Policy
All students, teachers, parents and staff at Aptos Junior High are committed to providing a learning environment that emphasizes academic integrity. Students will honestly try to learn without cheating, forging, lying or taking shortcuts on homework, projects and exams.
Cheating is deemed to have occurred when a teacher has reasonable suspicion as follows:
(All incidents will be investigated by both the teacher and the administration)
- Providing one’s own work to be copied by another student.
- Copying another student’s work.
- Using the Internet as a resource without directly citing the source, such as cutting and pasting directly into a document.
- Using the words or ideas of others—plagiarizing—without giving appropriate credit.
- Exhibiting inappropriate behaviors during a test, such as talking, copying answers, looking at another student’s test paper.
- Communicating exam information or answers during or following an exam (including Accelerated Reader quizzes)
- Working with others on projects that are assigned as independent work.
- Forging someone else’s signature.
- Using a cell phone, email, or electronic device to gather or share testing information.
- Obtaining information before or during a test in any manner not directed by the teacher.
- Using materials on a test that were not designated or allowed by the teacher.
- This list is not all-inclusive; AJHS, parents, guardians and students recognize that there are other forms of cheating.
Consequences will apply as follows:
First Offense: Student will receive zero credit. Teacher will contact family and the teacher will file a record of the incident.
Future Offenses: Student will receive zero credit; appropriate level of discipline will be administered; and parent will be notified by the assistant principal.
Please remember at Aptos Junior High we do not distinguish between degrees of seriousness; cheating is cheating regardless of the weight of the assignment.